Pulling Progression

4 rounds:

AMRAP minus 2
strict chest to bar OR strict pull up OR challenging ring row

rest 3 mins, during rest perform:
-10-15 hollow body band lat pullover immediately after each set.
-3-5 dips from stable surface @ 21×1 tempo


10 rounds for time

2 wall walks
4 push ups
6 box jump overs

11 minute cap


Today’s workout is 10 rounds of 2 wall walks, 4 push ups, and 6 box jump overs. Your score is the time it takes to complete the 10 rounds, or the amount of work completed if you don’t finish before the 11 minute cap.

The wall walks should be done in under: 30. Scale the range of motion if necessary.

The pushups should be unbroken. Elevate the hands if necessary. If this feels too easy, do ring pushups or pushups to parallettes with feet elevated.

Choose a safe height for the box jump overs that allows you to move smoothly through these reps.