
Teams of 3, AMRAP 33

19 power cleans OPWAAT
33 synchro air squats
45 pull ups OPWAAT
65 total calories between two machines


Today’s workout is in honor of [Frances Perkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Perkins), a workers-rights advocate who served as Secretary of Labor from 1933-1945–the longest tenure ever in that position.

In addition to being the first female to ever serve in a presidential cabinet, Perkins also played an instrumental role in crafting FDR’s New Deal legislation. Most notably, Perkins was heavily involved in the creation of Social Security, unemployment insurance, the federal minimum wage, and laws regulating child labor–along with many other New Deal policies aimed at creating a viable social safety net for the first time in America.

Following her career in government, Perkins would go on to teach and lecture at the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University until her death in 1965.


This workout is a 33 minute AMRAP to be completed in teams of 3. Each round consists of 19 power cleans, 33 synchronized air squats, 45 pull ups, and 65 total calories between two machines. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 25 minutes.

The power cleans will be completed with one person working at a time(OPWAAT). Use a moderate-heavy weight that allows you to complete 1 rep every :06-:08. Switch teammates as often as necessary.

To synchronize the air squats all teammates must be in the bottom of their squat and at the top of their squat at the same time. Be sure to hit full depth at the bottom and reach full extension of the knees and hips at the top.

The pull ups will also be completed OPWAAT style. You may substitute jumping pull ups or ring rows if necessary. Pick a variation that allows you to complete at least 5 unbroken reps at a time before switching teammates.

Each team will have two machines for calories. The total calories on both machines must add up to 65. For instance, if one machine reaches 35 calories and the other reaches 30, then 35+30=65 calories and your team has completed the round. Switch partners as often as necessary to maintain a relatively high intensity on this.