
3 sets

A. 6-8 donkey kicks/kick ups to wall + :20-:30 heel pulls on last rep

B. :20-:30 wall facing handstand scissor kicks OR :35-:45 wall facing hs hold or angled wall hold


Every 3:00 x 4 rounds

20 double unders
15 v-ups
10 burpees
20 double unders

2:30 cap per round


Today’s metcon is 4 rounds of work. You will start a new round every 3:00. Each round will consist of 20 double unders, 15 v-ups, 10 burpees, and another 20 double unders. Once you finish the work you will rest until the next round starts. Each round is capped at 2:30. Your score is the average time it takes you to finish the rounds.

The double unders should take :15-:20 at a time. Substitute single unders if necessary.

The v-ups should be completed in no more than 2 quick sets per round. Scale to tuck ups, single leg v-ups, or single leg tuck ups if necessary.

The burpees should be completed in no more than :45. Reduce the amount if necessary to stay in that timeframe.