
A) power clean + front squat : 1+
B) bench press: x

rest :90 between movements


for time:

21 dumbbell front squat
15 m crawl, 9 – 12 calories
21 dumbbell push press
15m crawl, 9-12 calories
21 dumbbell thrusters
15m crawl, 9-12 calories

9 minute cap


Today’s workout is 21 dumbbell front squats, 21 dumbbell push press, and 21 dumbbell thrusters, with a 15m crawl and 9-12 calories after each set with the dumbbells. Your score is the time it takes to complete or the amount of work completed by the 9 minute cap if you do not finish.

Use a moderate weight for the dumbbells that allows you to get each round of 21 done in 2-3 sets or less.

The crawl should be unbroken, aiming to keep the torso parallel with the floor.

The calories should take no more than :40. Reduce the amount if necessary.