
Teams of 3

3:30 work/ 1:30 rest x 4 rounds:
AMRAP rope climbs in 2 minutes (OPWAAT)
AMRAP wall walks & calories in time remaining (TPWAAT)


Today’s workout will be done in teams of 3 and will consist of 4 rounds of work. Each round of work will consist of 2 minutes of rope climbs, followed by :90 of calories and wall walks. You will rest for :90 between each round as well. Your score is the amount of rope climbs, wall walks, and calories completed across the workout.

The rope climbs should be completed with one person working at a time while the other two teammates rest. Alternate partners after each rope climb. If you are unable to climb all the way up the rope or have yet to pass our [rope climb safety test](, you may climb up the bottom half of the rope, or perform rope lowers or hanging knee raises. If you opt for bottom half climbs, 2 reps count as one. If you opt for rope lowers, do 1-2 reps per rope climb. If you do hanging knee raises, 4-6 reps counts as one rope climb.

For the wall walks and calories, two people will be working at a time while one person rests. The simplest way to split this up is for partners to rotate every :30. Scale the wall walk range of motion as necessary.

At the end of each round, add your the calories on the machine to the total amount of rope climbs and wall walks performed for your score.