Deep Pulling Cycle

Every 2:00 x 6 rounds

4-6 reps at 20×1 tempo of:
strict chest to bar or strict pull up


6-8 reps at 20×1 tempo of
banded pull ups or ring rows

*perform 5-7 light barbell rows immediately after each set.



Russian kettlebell swings
*12 box jumps after each round

10 minute cap


Today’s workout is 24, 21, 18 reps of pushups and Russian Kettlebell swings, with 12 box jumps after each round. So you will do 24 pushups, 24 swings, 12 box jumps, then 21 pushups, 21 swings, 12 box jumps, and finally 18 pushups, 18 swings, 12 box jumps. Your score is the time it takes to complete the work, or how much work you completed if you do not finish in 10 minutes or less.

The pushups should be completed in no more than 3 sets per round. This means you should be able to complete sets of 6-8 reps at a time with short breaks in between. Elevate the hands if necessary.

Try to remain unbroken on the kettlebell swings. You can use a moderate weight.

Choose a safe height on the box jump that allows you to move smoothly through the 12 reps without hesitating or fear of missing. Scale to step ups if you lose confidence on the jump at any point. Step down from every rep.