
every 2:00 x 5 rounds

1 power snatch with :03 pause 1″ off ground
1 power snatch with :03 pause at position 2
1 power snatch + overhead squat

*pause for :01 in receiving position of each power snatch as well


3 rounds for time:

4 clean and jerks
8 burpees over the bar
4 clean and jerks
14-18 calories

rest 2:00 after each round

13 minute cap


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of 4 clean & jerks, 8 burpees over the bar, 4 clean & jerks, and 14-18 calories.You will rest for 2 minutes after each round Your score is the amount of time it takes to complete the work (rest included), or the amount of work completed in 13 minutes if you do not finish.

The barbell weight should be moderate-heavy, requiring you to do quick singles rather than touch & go. You should not be in any danger of missing reps or standing over your barbell negotiating with yourself though.

Find a smooth pace on the burpees, If there is room we will go bar facing, otherwise lateral is fine. If you cannot do 8 reps in :45 or less, reduce the amount.

The calories should be done in 1 minute or less. Reduce the amount if necessary.