Strength & Mobility

3 rounds

alternating arm dumbbell bench press x 8-10/side (start at top)
diagonal stretch x 10+:10/side
hanging L-sit :15-30


alternating arm dumbbell snatches
*50 double unders after each round

8 minute cap


Today’s workout is 21-15-9 reps of pushups and alternating arm dumbbell snatches, with 50 double unders to be completed after each round. This means you will do 21 pushups, 21 snatches, 50 double unders. Then 15 push ups, 15 snatches, 50 double unders. You will finish with 9 pushups, 9 snatches, and 50 double unders. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the work or the amount of work completed at the 8 minute time cap if you do not finish.

The pushups should be completed in 3 sets per round or less. Elevate the hands as necessary and try to pick a single setup for the whole workout. Do not start from the ground if you will have to scale to elevated hands mid-workout.

The snatches should be a moderate weight that allows you to stay unbroken throughout the whole workout.

The double unders shouldnt take any more than about :45. Reduce the amount or scale to single unders if necessary.