Strength & Mobility

3-4 rounds

dips x 6-8 reps @ 31×1 tempo
straddle pancake progression x 10 reps + :10 hold on last rep
dumbbell row x 8-10/side


min 1: AMRAP rope climb
min 2: 10 db push press + 10 toes to bar
min 3: rest


Today’s workout is a 12 minute EMOM. In the first minute you will get as many rope climbs as possible. In the second minute you will do 10 dumbbell push presses and 10 toes to bar. Minute 3 will be rest. You will go through this 4 times, with your score being the total amount of rope climbs completed across the workout.

If you haven’t completed our rope climb safety test, you can do rope climbs up the bottom half of the rope. You can also substitute rope lowers and/or hanging knee raises from the rope.

The push press should be unbroken each round. Use a moderate weight on the dumbbells.

The toes to bar should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. Substitute knee raises, straight leg raises, v-ups, or sit-ups if necessary.