
1 rep at RPE 8-9

straight into snatch pull rounds:
Every :90 x 4 rounds
4 reps @ 100% max snatch


30-20-15-10-5 wall balls
5-10-15-20-30* rower calories

10 minute cap


Today’s workout is 30-20-15-10-5 wall balls, 5-10-15-20-30 rower calories. This means you will do 30 wall balls, 5 rower calories, then 20 wall balls, 10 calories, etc. You will continue until you finish the round of 5 wall balls and 30 rower cals. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout.

The wall balls should be completed in 1-2 sets per round.

*If you cannot do at least 14 calories per minute, consider scaling to 4-8-12-15-24 calories.