Strength & Mobility
3 rounds
alternating arm dumbbell bench press x 8-10/side (start at top)
diagonal stretch x 10+:10/side
hanging L-sit :15-30
8 double dumbbell hang snatch
10-12 calories
12 v-ups
4 muscle ups
Today’s workout is a 12 minute AMRAP of 8 double dumbbell hang snatches, 10-12 calories, 12 v-ups, and 4 muscle ups. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 12 minutes.
The snatches should be unbroken. Use a moderate light to moderate weight.
The calories should be completed in :40 or less. Decrease the amount if necessary.
The v-ups should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. Scale to single leg v-ups, tuck-ups, or single leg tuck-ups if necessary.
If you cannot do muscle ups then substitute 8 chest to bar pull ups, jumping chest to bar pull ups, or tough ring rows.