
with a partner, AMRAP 25

10 shuttle runs OPWAAT
40 double kettlebell deadlifts OPWAAT
500ft farmer carry
*calories during farmer carry

rest 1 minute after each round


Today’s workout is a 25 minute AMRAP to be performed with a partner. Each round consists of 10 shuttle runs, 40 double kettlebell deadlifts, and a 500ft farmer carry + calories simultaneously. You will rest 1 minute after each round. The shuttle runs and deadlifts will be completed with one person working at a time (OPWAAT). For the farmer carry, one person will do a 250m farmers carry while the other person accumulates calories on a machine. After the 250m, partners will switch. Your scores are the amount of rounds and reps completed in 25 minutes as well as the total amount of calories accumulated.

The shuttle runs should be completed in about a minute or less. Reduce the amount if necessary.

The deadlifts and farmer’s carry will be done with the same set of kettlebells. The deadlifts should be completed in sets of 10-20 at a time and the farmer carry should take 1-2 sets for 250ft.

Try to find a fast but sustainable pace on the calories.