
Power Clean & Jerk (touch & go @ shoulder)

build to a heavy set of 1.1.1

rest :10 between reps


4 rounds

in 2:00
15-20 calories
15 goblet squats
rest 1 minutes


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of 2 minutes of work and 1 minute of rest. In 2 minutes you will do 15-20 calories on the machine of your choice, followed by 15 goblet squats. You will then rest for the remainder of the 2 minutes plus the 1 minute of rest between rounds. Your score is the amount of time it takes to complete the work.

The calories shouldn’t take much more than a minute. Reduce the target amount if necessary.

The goblet squats should be unbroken, but not easy. Challenge yourself to hang on for 15 reps each round.