
Power Clean & Jerk (touch & go @ shoulder)

1.1.1 x 3-4 working sets at 5-10% heavier than last week’s weight, without missing.

rest :10 between reps. rest as needed between sets


Every 2 min x 6 sets (3 each)

Odd sets – 10 Pull Ups + 12 thrusters
Even sets – 12 toes to bar + 10 burpees over the bar


Today’s workout is six 2-minute rounds of work. On rounds 1,3, & 5 you will do 10 pull ups + 12 thrusters, and then rest until the next round begins. On rounds 2, 4, & 6 you will do 12 toes to bar and 10 burpees over the bar, and then rest for the remainder of the round. Your score is the time it takes to complete each of the rounds.

The pull ups, toes to bar, and thrusters should be completed unbroken. Substitute jumping pull ups or ring rows if necessary on the pull ups. For toes to bar, you can substitute straight leg raises, knee raises, v-ups, or sit ups if necessary.

Try to find a rhythm on the burpees over the bar. The 10 reps should be done in about :40 or less. Reduce the reps if necessary.