Strength & Mobility

Push Press
3 working sets of 8 touch-and-go reps. Pause for at least :01 at the top of each rep

in between sets work on your dragon flag progression


4 rounds for time

10 chest to bar pull-ups
50 ft crawl
15 v-ups
30 double unders

9 minute cap


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of 10 pull-ups, a 50ft forward crawl, 15 v-ups, and 30 double unders. Your score is the time is takes to complete all 4 rounds, or the amount of work completed before the 9 minute cap if you do not finish.

The chest to bar pull ups should be completed in 1-2 sets per round. Substitute jumping chest to bar pull ups or challenging ring rows if necessary.

Keep moving on the crawl. Try not to waste time on this part. Keep the hips low and the torso parallel to the ground.

The v-ups should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. Scale to single leg v-ups, tuck-ups, or singe leg tuck-ups.

The double unders shouldn’t take much more then :25. Reduce the amount or scale to singles if necessary.