Strength & Mobility

Push Press
3 working sets of 10 touch-and-go reps. Pause for at least :01 at the top of each rep

in between sets work on your dragon flag progression


In 5 minutes:
500m row or 1k bike
15 burpees to a target
max strict pull ups

rest 2.5 minutes

In 5 minutes:
500m row or 1k bike
15 burpees to a target
max wall walks


Today’s workout is two 5-minute rounds of work separated by 2.5 minutes of rest. Each interval starts with a 500m row or 1k bike and 15 burpees to a target. The first interval finishes with an AMRAP of strict pull ups in the the time remaining. The second interval finishes with an AMRAP of wall walks in the remaining time. Your score is the total amount of pull ups and wall walks completed.

The machine work shouldn’t take more than 2:10. Reduce the target distance if necessary.

Choose a target that is out of your reach when standing with arms extended overhead. These shouldn’t take more than 1:15. Reduce the amount if necessary.

If you cannot complete multiple sets of at least 3 pull ups with quick breaks, scale to ring rows.

Wall walks should be completed at a pace of at least 4 per mintute. Adjust the range of motion if necessary.