
teams of 3, 2 rounds for time

30 sandbag cleans
300ft sandbag carry

100 toes to bar + 80-100 calories.

90 kb swings
300ft kb farmer carry

30 minute cap


Today’s workout will be done in teams of 3. Your team will perform 2 rounds of 30 sandbag cleans. a 300ft sandbag carry, 100 toes to bar & 80-100 calories, 90 kettlebell swings, and a 300ft kettlebell farmer carry. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout.

Every movement will be done with one person working on it at a time (OPWAAT). The toes to bar and calories will be completed simultaneously–so one person will be on a machine while the other two people work on the toes to bar OPWAAT-style.

Your sandbag weight should be moderate to heavy. Perform sets of 3-5 at a time before switching with your teammate. For the carry, switch after every 50-100 ft.

Pick a variation of toes to bar that allows you to perform sets of at least 5 at a time. You may substitute knee raises, straight leg raises, v-ups, or sit-ups.

For the calories, switch partners often enough to maintain a relatively high intensity on the machine.

Pick a heavy set of kettlebells for the farmer carry and use one of them for your kettlebell swings. Switch partners ever 10-15 swings and every 50-100ft on the farmer carry.