Strength and Mobility
3-4 rounds
z press db @ 21×1 x 8-10
seal row @ 21×1 x 8-10
diagonal stretch x10 + :10/side
In 2:00
12 kettlebell snatch
12 goblet squats
max burpees to a target
rest 1:00
x4 rounds
Today’s workout is four 2-minute rounds of work with 1 minute of rest in between rounds. Each round will consist of 12 kettlebell snatches (6 per arm), 12 goblet squats, and then as many burpees to a target in the remaining time. Your score is the amount of burpees completed each round.
Choose a light-moderate weight that allows you to be unbroken on the snatches and squats.
Choose a target height for your burpees that you cannot touch without jumping.