Strength & Mobility

3-4 rounds

Bulgarian split squat @ 31×1 x 6-8/side
between sets cobra hang :20-:30 (center, left, right)



50 wall balls
50 kettlebell swings
100ft crawl
100 double unders


Today’s workout is an 11 minute AMRAP of 50 wall balls, 50 kettlebell swings, a 100 ft crawl, and 100 double unders. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 11 minutes.

Use a moderate weight for the wall balls and kettlbell swings that allows you to complete 50 reps in 2-3 sets.

Try to move quickly through the crawl. Complete the 100ft is 1-2 sets.

Your double unders shouldnt take more than about :90. If you cannot complete 100 in that time then consider reducing the amount or doing single unders.