
Push Press+ Jerk

build to a heavy set of 1+2 rep

then do 1-2 jerk triples with the same weight

*pause in receiving position of all jerks for :03


Aim to avoid missing any reps. Keep in mind that the push press will be a limiter in terms of weight, so make appropriately small jumps as you reach your working range.



8 double db snatch
100ft crawl
5 muscle ups or 10 chest to bar pull ups
rest 1:00


Today’s workout is a 10 minute AMRAP of 8 double dumbbell snatches, 100ft of crawling and 5 muscle ups. You will rest 1 minute after each round. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 10 minutes.

Choose a light-moderate set of dumbbells that allows you to complete the snatches unbroken each time.

The crawl should be completed completed quickly, hopefully in at least 50ft unbroken segments.

If you cannot do muscle ups then you can substitute chest to bar pull ups, chin over bar pull ups, or challenging ring rows. If you sub for a non-muscle up variation then change the reps from 5 to 10. Your scale should be challenging enough to require 2 sets to complete the 10 reps.