
Build to a heavy set of 1+2

then do 2-3 sets of 3-4 heavy clean pulls


You should not be missing any reps on the clean complex.

For the clean pulls, find a weight that is challenging but doesn’t result in any technical or postural breakdown. Use the same weight for all of your sets and aim for 4 reps on each set. If you were here last week aim to use slightly more weight.

Spend about 10-12 minutes on the cleans, and about 5 minutes on the pulls. If you have more than 5-6 minutes remaining and have finished your heavy clean complex, you may hit an extra single of two on the clean at slightly less weight.



min 1&2: 25-30 calories
min 3: AMRAP squat clean thrusters in :45
min 4: rest


Today’s workout is a 12 minute EMOM of calories and squat clean thrusters. You will spend the first 2 minutes accumulated 25-30 calories. You will then spend the first :45 of minute 3 performing as many squat clean thrusters and you can. You will rest for the final :15 of minute 3, as well as all of minute 4. You will perform this a total of 3 times. Your score is the amount of squat clean thrusters performed in your worst round.

If you cannot complete at least 25 calories in 2 minutes, reduce the target amount.

Pick a moderate weight on the squat clean thrusters that allows you to perform :45 of relatively quick singles. If you are going touch and go it is too light. You should never be in danger of missing any reps.