
Bench Press

3-4 sets of 2-4 @ 21×1

Do 2-3 bodyweight Jefferson curls between sets


Build to a working weight and then perform all 3-4 sets at that weight. Aim to reach 4 reps on each set. If you were able to get sets of 4 across all working sets last week then you may go heavier this week.

Think about actively contracting your abs to pull yourself into a deeper position on the Jefferson curlĀ 



3-6-9-12… toe to bar
*30-40 double unders after each set


Today’s metcon is an ascending ladder of toes to bar and double unders. Your score is the amount of rounds + reps you reach in 10 minutes.

Pick a variation of toes to bar that allows you to get at least 6 reps at a time unbroken. You may substitute straight leg raises, knee raises, v-ups, or sit ups.

Don’t let your double unders take much more than about :30 per round. You may substitute single unders or decrease the amount of dubs if necessary.