
3 sets:

3-5 strict chest to bar
:30 rest
6-8 strict chin over bar
:30 rest
8-10 banded chest to bar
1:30 rest between sets


If you are unable to perform these movements for the given rep range, consider scaling to:

3-5 banded chest to bar
6-8 banded chin over bar
8-10 heavier banded chest to bar.

If you cannot use bands to perform these movements for the given rep ranges, consider scaling to:

3-5 challenging ring rows (more horizontal body angle)
6-8 normal/moderately difficult ring rows (less horizontal body angle)
8-10 easier ring rows (more vertical body angle)



1 – 10 toe to bar
2 – 6 snatches
3 – 12 box jumps
4 – 10 bar facing burpees


The metcon today is an EMOM of toe to bar, hang snatches, box jumps, and burpees over the bar. You will complete a total of four rounds of these movements across the sixteen minutes.

Your toe to bar should be completed in 1-3 sets across the workout. You may substitute hanging knee raises, leg raises, or sit ups if you are unable to hang from the pull up bar.

Snatches should be a light-moderate weight. Ideally these remain unbroken across the EMOM, but you may split these up into 2 sets if necessary.

Box jumps should be done to a height where you will not hesitate. You will step down from the box. Remember, if you are concerned about tripping, you may step onto the box.

Burpees should take no longer than :45 or so. You may lower the number of burpees to 8-9 or perform regular burpees.