
Power clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Jerk

Every :90 x 6 rounds x 1+1+2*

*hold jerk receiving position for :03 on final jerk rep


Focus on quality hitting the quality positions we have been training for the last couple month on the power clean and front squat. Focus on a vertical dip and power leg drive in the jerk.

It is up to you whether you build in weight across these sets or hit the same working weight for multiple sets. Avoid missing any reps and be sure to focus on movement quality on each set.



12-15 calories
12 shoulder to overhead
36 double unders
12 hang squat clean


Today’s workout is an AMRAP of calories, shoulder to overhead, double unders, and hang squat cleans. Your score will be the rounds and reps completed in twelve minutes.

Your calories should take less than :50 or so. You may lower the number of calories to 10-12 if this pace sounds overly aggressive.

Shoulder to overhead means you may either do a push press or push jerk. Your goal should be to keep these reps unbroken, so your weight should be light.

The double unders should take no longer than :25 or so. You may lower the number of double unders or substitute single unders.

You will use the same weight on the hang squat cleans as you did on the shoulder to overhead. Try to complete these in 1-2 sets across the AMRAP.