
Power clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Jerk

Every :90 x 6 rounds


Focus on quality hitting the quality positions we have been training for the last couple month on the power clean and front squat. Focus on a vertical dip and power leg drive in the push press and jerk.

It is up to you weather you build in weight across these sets or hit the same working weight for multiple sets. Avoid missing any reps and be sure to focus on movement quality on each set.



1 – 5 power cleans
2 – 10 shoulder to overhead
3 – 15 front squats
4 – 15-18 calories
5 – Rest


Today’s metcon is an EMOM with power cleans, shoulder to overhead, front squats, and calories.

You will use the same weight for all three movements. Choose your weight based on the movement that will limit you the most, which will most likely be the shoulder to overhead. The shoulder to overhead should be moderate and the goal is to go unbroken across these reps.

Your power cleans should be unbroken as well as the front squats.

The calories should be completed in the minute. Keep in mind, you will have a minute of rest after the calories. If this calorie range still does not sound sustainable, decrease the number of calories to 12-15.