
EMOM 4: 2 tall cleans


Every 1:15 x 6 sets
1 Clean


The tall cleans will be light. Ensure you are not cheating the movement by using leg drive to elevate the barbell.

Try not to miss any reps. If you finish the EMOM and would like to add some weight for another attempt, go for it.



*EMOM 7-9 V-ups

**You may stop if you reach 100 reps


Today’s workout is an AMRAP of thrusters. Your score will be the number of thrusters you complete. You will perform 7-9 V-ups at the start of each minute, not including the first. Your score is the number of reps you complete in the 6 minutes, or the time it takes you to complete 100 reps.

Choose a light weight that allows you to complete the thrusters in sets of about 10 reps.

Your V-ups should be done in no more than 2 sets to allow you at least :35 to accumulate thrusters.