
3, 2, 1, 0 Pause Back Squat

Build to a heavy set for the day on the 3, 2, 1, 0 Pause Squat.

Then use the same weight for 2 sets of 4-6 reps with no pausing on any reps.

*Perform 4-6 kettlebell thoracic rotations per side between sets*


The 3 pause squat will have a :04 pause just above parallel on the descent, another in the very bottom, and another just above parallel on the ascent.

The 2 pause squat will have a :04 pause just above parallel on the descent and the ascent, with no pause in the bottom.

The 1 pause squat will have a :04 pause just above parallel on the descent.

The final rep be performed with no pause.

Move with an explosive intent as you stand up out of the pauses and out of the bottom of the squat.

For the kettlebell thoracic rotations, ensure you keep your knee in contact with the ground to avoid rotating out of the hips or lumbar spine instead of the thoracic spine.


Every 3:00 x 4 rounds
7 front squats
15-18 calories


Today’s workout is four intervals of front squats and calories. You will start a new round every 3:00. Your score will be your slowest round.

Your front squats can be moderately heavy. You should complete them unbroken.

The calories should be completed in :45 or less. These should be pretty close to a sprint. The goal is to get close to a 1:1 work to rest ratio.