
Part 1: 3 sets Wall Facing Handstand Scissor Kicks x 6-10/side
*2-3 Light Kick Ups to Wall in between sets

Part 2: 2-3 sets

3-5 False Grip Pull Ups or Ring Rows at 21×1 tempo
5-7 Ring Dips at 21×2 tempo


There are 3 levels to the Wall Facing Scissor Kicks. The easiest variation has at least one foot on the wall at all times. Bring both feet to the wall before switching legs . The second variation has the feet off the wall at the same time for a brief moment as you switch legs. The hardest variation requires you to pause with both feet off of the wall stacked over your center of gravity while switching legs.

If you feel yourself losing balance and getting ready to fall forward, be sure to rotate to the side so you can have safe dismount. Do not let yourself fall forward onto your back at any point

If you are unable to perform a full wall facing handstand then you may scale this to a [handstand from a pike position on a box with one leg stacked over your hands. DO this for a :10-:20 per side for 1 or 2 rounds each set.

For the kick ups into the back-to-wall handstand, try to have either no contact with the wall or just a light touch of your foot against the wall. Wait until your lead leg is either vertically balanced or has lightly touched the wall before bringing your plant leg up to meet it.

Be sure to bring your arms to full extension without losing the false grip at the bottom of your [pull ups/ring rows.

You may keep one foot on the ground or a box for the [ring dips if necessary. Spot yourself as much as is necessary to achieve a control through the full range of motion.


For time

500 m row/1000 m bike
8 wall walks
400 m run
8 wall walks
500 m row/1000 m bike
8 wall walks
400 m run
500 m row/1000 m bike

*16 minute cap*


The workout today is rowing/biking, wall walks, and running. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the workout, or work completed at the 16 minute time cap.

Your row or bike should be completed in 2:10 or less. If this sounds like an overly aggressive pace, consider lowering the distances to either 350 on the rower or 750 on the bike erg.

Your runs should be completed in 2:30 or less. If this sounds like an unsustinable pace, lower the distance to 300 m. Keep in mind, it is only two 400 m runs.

Wall walks should be done in less than 2:00. You may decrease the reps to 6-7 or modify the height of the wall walk to meet this time suggestion.