
Deadlift: 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps @ 11×1 tempo

In between, perform 8-10 wall angels


Perform all working sets at the same weight. Aim for 6 reps on each set. If you are able to achieve that this week, you may increase the weight next week. If you stop short of 6 reps on any working set, repeat the same weight next week and try for sets of 6 across.

11×1 means these will be deadstop reps where you will ensure you have created tension by pulling the slack out of the bar at the bottom of each rep. Dropping the bar from lockout will be considered a no rep. However, you do not need to slow the tempo down on the descent. Simply let gravity do the work while you maintain proper posture and a full grip on the bar.


3 rounds

21-24 calories
15 deadlifts
9 chest to bar pull ups

*13 minute time cap*


Today’s workout is three rounds of calories, deadlifts, and chest to bar pull ups. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the three rounds or the rounds and reps completed at the 13:00 time cap.

The calories should take no longer than 1:30 across the workout. If this sounds aggressive, decrease the calories to 17-20.

Deadlifts should be done at a moderate weight. The goal is to go unbroken, but it’s okay if you break them up into 2 sets.

The chest to bar pull ups should be done in 1-2 sets across the workout. You may substitute chin over bar pull ups, banded pull ups, or jumping pull ups.