
2 sets* for time

40-50 cal
30 wall balls
20 kettlebell swings
15 burpees

rest 5:00

*On the second set, go in reverse order


The workout today is two intervals of calories, wall balls, dumbbell snatch, and burpees over the dumbbell. You will complete the first interval, as the workout is written (calories -> wall balls -> kettlebell swing -> burpees over the dumbbell). Then, you will rest 5:00, and complete the second interval in reverse order (burpees over the dumbbell -> kettlebell swing -> wall balls -> calories). Your score will be the time for both intervals.

Calories should not take any longer than 3:00. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, decrease the calories to 35-40.

Wall balls should be done with a weight that allows you to complete the sets of 30 in no more than 2 sets.

Your kettlebell weight should be moderately heavy. Aim to complete the kettlebell swings unbroken.

Your burpees should take no longer than a 1:15. If this sounds aggressive, you may decrease the number of burpees to 12.