
1a. Rower Compression x 8-12 x 3 sets
1b. Banded Hamstring Stretch x 6-8/leg x 2 sets

2a. Weighted Strict Knee Raise x 8-10 x 3 sets
2b. Pike Stretch :30-45 x 2 sets


The rower compression can be scaled by performing with your knees on the rower seat as opposed to your feet.

Only add weight to the strict knee raises if you are able to perform 3 sets of 8-10 strict with only bodyweight.

Elevate your hips to allow for compression in the pike position, if necessary.


Every 3:00 x 4 sets

4 muscle ups or 8 toe to bar
8 double KB hang snatch
4 wall walks

*2:00 cap each round*


The workout is 4 intervals of muscle ups or toe to bar, double hang KB snatch, and wall walks. You will start a new round every 3:00, and each round will be capped at 2:00.

The muscle ups or toe to bar should be done in 1-2 sets across the workout.

The KB weight should be light enough that you complete the hang snatches unbroken.

Wall walks should be done in less than a 1:00. If you think this pace is unreasonable for the workout, you may decrease the reps to 3 or modify the height of the wall walk.