
3-4 sets front squats of 3-5 reps

2-3/arm shoulder CARs in between sets


Today’s strength is 3-4 sets of 3-5 front squats. You will perform all working sets at the same weight, aiming for 5 reps one each set. If you were able to achieve this, you can go heavier this week. Otherwise you will repeat the same weight until you get 5 reps on all working sets.

In between your working sets you will perform 2-3 reps of shoulder CARs per side.



120 wall balls
90 double unders
max toe to bar in remaining time


Today’s metcon is an AMRAP of wall balls, double unders, and toe to bar. Your score will be the number of toe to bar you complete in the time remaining, once you finish the wall balls and double unders.

The wall balls should be done with a weight that you feel comfortable doing sets of at least 20 reps at a time. You have a lot of options to how to split these reps up. You could do a bigger set of 40-50, followed by sets of 15-20. You could also try sets of 15-20 with quick breaks across all 120 reps. If you think 120 wall balls will take you longer than 6:30, decrease the reps to 90-100.

The double unders should take no longer than a 1:20. You may decrease the number of double unders or go to singles.

You may substitute hanging knee raises or sit ups in place of the toe to bar.