Take 6:00 to build in weight to a moderately heavy set of 3 reps @ 10X1.
Every minute on the minute for 7:00:
- 8 reps @ 10X1
Today’s strength is thrusters and it is two parts. You will first build in weight at your own pace to a moderately heavy set of 3 reps at a 10X1 tempo. Then, you will take weight off the bar and complete 8 reps every minute for 7-minutes at the same tempo. Aim to use just slightly more weight for the 7 rounds of 8 than last week.
The tempo is important. The :01 pause overhead allows you to take a breath between reps. Then work on descending smoothly and using the stretch reflex in the squat to help with the next rep.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7:00:
- 3 Wall Walks
- 6 Double Dumbbell Power Snatch
- 12 Box Jump Overs (step down)
Rest 1-minute
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7:00:
- 3 Wall Walks
- 6 Double Dumbbell Power Clean
- 12 Box Jump Overs
Today’s workout is 7-minutes of wall walks, double dumbbell snatch, and box jump overs followed by 7-minutes of wall walks, double dumbbell power cleans, and box jump overs. Your score is the total number of rounds and reps completed across the two intervals.
The wall walks should not take longer than :30. Adjust the number of reps or stop short of inverted, if needed.
The dumbbell weight will be determined by the double dumbbell snatch. Choose a light-moderate weight that allows you to maintain unbroken sets of 6. This should mean that the power cleans will fell light.
The box jump overs are performed with a step down each rep. Choose a height that allows you to maintain a smooth pace and complete the 12 reps in no more than 1-minute each round.