Schedule Note

In observance of Labor Day, our schedule for Monday September 5th will be as follows:
  • 0800 Open Gym
  • 0930 CrossFit
The 0930 class will be a partner WOD. All other classes are cancelled.


3 Sets not for time

  • 5 Handstand Shrugs @ 3030
  • 1-2 Skin the Cat or :15 Assisted German Hang
  • 5 Wall Facing Handstand Push Ups @ 3111
  • 2 Jefferson Curls w/ :10 negative


Today’s strength session is a mix of gymnastics strength, skill, and flexibility work. You will work through the four exercises at an easy pace and complete 3 working sets.

Handstand Shrugs Focus on keeping your elbows locked out throughout this movement. All the movement should come from the shoulders. If you cannot complete these in a handstand, perform from a box handstand or in a plank position.

Skin the cat Slowly rotate around and control into a shoulder stretch at the bottom. Move slowly and controlled through this exercise. You may adjust this to a German Hang w/ assistance.

If you are not yet ready for handstand push ups, simply pick an exercise from the handstand push up progression that allows you to maintain the tempo for all 5 reps. Handstand Push Up Progression.

Jefferson Curl Use a very light weight or no weight at all and stretch into the bottom as much as possible without forcing it. Be gentle.


Every 3:00 for 6 rounds:

  • 10 Box Jumps (step down)
  • 10 Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead (5/arm)
  • 15m Forward Crawl


Today’s workout is 6 rounds of box jumps, shoulder to overhead, and forward crawls. You will start a new round every 3-minutes. Your score is the total time from all rounds.

The box jumps should take no longer than :30. Adjust the height accordingly.

The shoulder to overhead should be heavy. Challenge yourself, but be sure you can do 5 reps unbroken with both arms each round.

The forward crawl will be done as 7.5m down and 7.5m back. Keep the back flat and parallel to the ground. Don’t let the hips rise up like a bear crawl.