Complete 3 Sets
- # Strict Muscle Ups
or - 1-2 Muscle Up assisted from knees with slow negative
Rest 1-2-minutes between sets
Today’s strength is strict muscle ups. You will complete 3 sets of either a number of strict muscle ups that you can complete unbroken or 1-2 strict muscle ups assisted from your knees, focusing on a slow and controlled negative.
3 Sets
- Arc Ring Row @ 3111 x 4-5
- Ring Push Ups @ 3111 x 4-5
The second piece for strength today is 3 sets of a ring row variation and a push up variation. You may take your time between exercises.
The Arc Ring Row is about engaging your lats to pull the rings towards your hips. Just like a normal ring row, adjust the difficulty by adjusting the angle of your body.
During the ring push ups, focus on maintaining a tight lower body and finding a good lockout at the top with your shoulders protracted and the rings turned out. If you cannot maintain good positions, substitute angled ring push ups or regular push ups.
5 Rounds
In 2:00:
- 12 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks
- 10 Box Jump Overs
- Max Double Unders in remaining time
No rest between rounds
Today’s workout is five 2-minute intervals. There is no rest between intervals. Each round begins with 12 single arm dumbbell hang clean and jerks, followed by 10 box jump overs. With the remaining time, you will complete as many double unders as possible. Your score is the number of double unders completed across 5 rounds.
The dumbbell should be a light-moderate weight that allows you to complete the 12 reps unbroken every round.
The box jump overs should take no more than :40 to complete. You must step down from the box each rep. Adjust the number of reps or box height accordingly.
Try to stay as relaxed as possible on the double unders to let your heart rate come down before you have to begin the next round. This format is a good opportunity to practice your double unders. But remember to keep good body positioning and spin mechanics the whole time.