
3 Sets:

  • 6-8 Straddle Good Mornings @ 3111
  • 6-8 Strict Toes to Bar or L-Raises @ 2111

3 Sets

  • 6-8 Kip Swing
  • 10-12 Seated Pike Ups


Today’s workout is focused on strength and flexibility that will help you with toes to bar. You will rotate between straddle good mornings and strict toes to bar for 3 sets, then rotate through kip swings and pike ups for 3 sets.

Straddle good morning. The priority here is a long range of motion. You want to feel a stretch in the bottom. You can sit on a plate or a low box to help you work through a longer range of motion. You may also hold a light dumbbell behind your neck to add weight.

Strict toes to bar. Hang with relaxed shoulders. Avoid pulling down and using your lats to assist with the toes to bar or leg raise. Keep the legs straight and together. If you cannot get your toes all the way to the bar, simply lift them as high as you can. Hold the top for :01, lower for :01, and rest for :01 before the next rep.

Kip swing. Keep your legs tight and together. Keep the swing compact at first to focus on maintaining good body tension.

Seated pike up. Keep the feet off the ground throughout the set. The farther you lean forward, the harder this exercise is.


With a partner, alternate full rounds and complete 2 rounds each:

  • 12-15 Calories
  • 3 Rope Climbs
  • 12-15 Calories
  • 2 Rope Climbs
  • 12-15 Calories
  • 1 Rope Climbs

5:00 time cap per person per round


Today’s workout is 2 rounds of calories and rope climbs. Partner 1 will complete 12-15 calories, 3 rope climbs, 12-15 calories, 2 rope climbs, 12-15 calories, and 1 rope climb. Then partner 2 will do the same. Then repeat for another time through.

There is a 5-minute time cap per person per round. If somebody is not done at the 5-minute mark, that person will stop where they are at and the other partner will begin.

The calories should never take longer than 1-minute to complete. Adjust the target number accordingly.

If you cannot complete 6 total rope climbs in 2-minutes, consider adjust the rep scheme to 1 rope climb each round. You may also adjust the target height, or substitute rope lowers or hanging knee raises. Here is a good test to show that you have enough confidence on the rope to climb to the top safely.