Schedule Update

Our New Year’s schedule is as follows:

  • Friday 12/31: No 1730 Class (all other classes follow normal Friday schedule)
  • Saturday 1/1: 0900 CrossFit, 1000-1200 Open Gym


3 Rounds

  • Pronated Grip Barbell Curl @ 2111 x 8-10
  • Dumbbell Pronated Fly @ 3110 x 8-10
  • Dumbbell Skull Crushers @ 2112 x 8-10
  • German Hang x :15 hold at end range


For our strength today, you will rotate through four exercises for a total of 3 sets. You can take your time between exercises.

The pronated grip means that your palms will be facing the ground. This is much harder than when your palms are facing the ceiling. So use a lighter bar that allows you to maintain the tempo and get all the reps.

Dumbbell Pronated Fly. Keep these really light. Maintain a slight bend in the elbow and feel a stretch in the bottom.

Dumbbell skull crushers. Make sure you are not moving from the shoulder and only extending at the elbow to isolate the tricep.

Choose one of the variations from our German Hang Progression. Once you are at the end range of the German hang, hold for :15.


With a partner, alternate full rounds, complete 3 rounds each of:

  • 500m Row @ 1k pace
  • 200m Recovery jog


Our workout today is a partner workout of rowing and jogging. This is our last workout before we retest our 1000m row next Monday. Partner 1 will row 500m at their 1k pace then jog 200m. Once partner 1 finishes the jog, partner 2 will complete the same. Each partner will complete 3 rounds.