
Working in teams of 3 complete as many rounds as possible in 30:00:

  • 20 Kettlebell Swings Relay
  • 200m Run Relay
  • 10 Toes to Bar Relay
  • 400m Run together


Today’s conditioning has you working in a team of 3 through 3 relays and one run as a team. Partner 1 will begin by completing 20 swings, then rest while partner 2 completes 20 swings, then partner 3 completes 20 swings. Once each member has completed the swings, you move on to the 200m run, following the same order as the swings. Then move to the toes to bar and complete another relay. Once everyone has finished the toes to bar, everyone will run a 400m together. That is one round. You will continue this pattern for 30-minutes. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed.

The kettlebell should be heavy but completed unbroken every round. Challenge yourself with the weight a bit because there is a good amount of rest built in to the workout.

The 200m runs should be fast. Reduce the distance if you cannot complete 200m in under 1-minute.

The toes to bar should remain unbroken. Substitute knee raises or sit ups if needed.

The 400m run should not take longer than 2:15. Adjust the distance accordingly.