5 Sets
- 40m Sandbag Carry
- 40m Farmer’s Carry
Rest about 2-3 minutes between sets
Today’s strength is sandbag carry and farmer’s carry. You will begin by carrying the sandbag 40m, then moving straight to the farmer’s carry and complete a 40m carry. You will then rest 2-3 minutes before beginning your next set. Record your sandbag weight in the first set and your farmer’s carry weight in the second set. SugarWOD will total them up for you.
Choose a challenging weight on the sandbag, but one that allows you to complete the 40m without putting the sandbag down. Here is a great video describing how to hold the sandbag. If there is not an appropriate sandbag weight available for you, you may substitute a double kettlebell front rack carry.
The farmer’s carry should also be a challenging weight. If we are performing the carries inside, it will be done in 10m intervals. This means you can do 10m, set it down, turn around, pick it up, and carry it back 10m. You will do this twice.
For time
- 30-40 Calories
- 100 Double Unders
- 20 Strict Pull Ups
- 100 Double Unders
- 30-40 Calories
10:00 time cap
Today’s conditioning is a chipper of calories, double unders, and strict pull ups. Your score is the time it takes to complete the prescribed work or the number of reps completed under the 10-minute cap.
The calories should take no longer than 2:30 to complete on either end of the workout. Adjust the number of calories accordingly.
The double unders should take no more than 1:30 to complete each time. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders.
Stick to small sets with quick rest on the strict pull ups. If you do not have strict pull ups yet, substitute ring rows performed at a challenging angle.