Every minute on the minute for 10:00:
- 2 Power Snatch from position 2
- 3 Bar Facing Burpees
Today’s strength is power snatches from position 2. At the top of every minute you will perform 2 power snatches from position 2, then immediately perform 3 bar facing burpees.
Try to use the same weight across all 10 rounds for the snatches.
Work on your footwork and speed during the bar facing burpees.
Every 4:00 for 5 rounds:
- 15 Push Ups
- 15 Box Jump Overs
- 15-20 Calories
Today’s conditioning is 5 rounds of push ups, box jump overs, and calories. You will complete 1 round at the top of every 4:00. Your score is the slowest of the 5 rounds.
The push ups should be completed in 1 set every time. Elevate your hands on a box if you think you’ll hit muscular failure or can’t maintain good positions for 15 reps.
The box jump overs should be done to a height that allows you to move quickly and safely, without hesitation each rep. Don’t let these take longer than 1:15.
The calories should take no longer than 1:00 to complete. It should be a hard, but sustainable pace.