Every minute on the minute for 30:00:
- Minute 1 – 10-15 Calories
- Minute 2 – 10 Dumbbell Box Step Ups
- Minute 3 – 5 Power Cleans
- Minute 4 – 15 Wall Balls
- Minute 5 – Rest
Today’s conditioning is 6 rounds of calories, step ups, power cleans, and wall balls. You will start a new movement at the top of every minute and have one full minute of rest after each round.
The calories should be completed at a hard, but sustainable pace. You want at least :10 to transition to the step ups.
The step ups should be with a weight and box height that is challenging, but still allows you to complete all 10 reps in unbroken.
The power cleans should be at a heavy weight. One rep every :05 would be an appropriate pace. If you do not have a heavy weight available to you, add reps.
The wall balls should be completed in 1 set every round.