With a partner, complete for time:
- 200 Wall Balls (alternate every 20 reps)
- 120-160 Calories (alternate every 20 calories)
- 200 Double Unders (alternate every 50 reps)
- 120-160 Calories (alternate every 20 calories)
- 200 Kettlebell Swings (alternate every 20 reps
30-minute time cap
Today’s conditioning is a chipper to be done with a partner. There is a 30-minute time cap. Your score is time to complete all the work or the number of reps completed under the 30-minute time cap.
The wall balls should be completed in five unbroken sets of 20 each. Adjust the weight accordingly.
The calories should take no longer than 10-minutes to complete each set. This is about a pace of 12-16 calories per minute. Adjust the number accordingly. If you do not have a machine, alternate running 200m intervals and complete 3-4 each.
The double unders should be very quick. It should take no longer than about :40 per set of 50. Substitute single unders if needed.
The kettlebell swings should be completed in five unbroken sets of 20 each. Adjust the weight accordingly.