Complete as many reps as possible in 10:00
3-6-9-12-15… reps of:
- Calories
- Box Jump Overs
- Overhead Squats
Rest 5:00
For time:
- Go back down in reps from where you finished in the 10-minute amrap.
Today’s conditioning is 2 sets of work with 5-minutes rest between each. During the first 10-minutes, you will climb the ladder, adding 3 reps to each movement after every round. You will then rest 5 minutes and begin working back down the ladder from where you finished the first part. You will have two scores, rounds and reps during the first 10-minutes and time for the second portion.
The calories may be done on any machine. If you do not have access to a machine you can substitute a 10m shuttle run, adding 20m each round.
The box jump overs should be done to a height that you will not hesitate between reps. You do not have to show full extension on top of the box, just get to the other side.
The overhead squats should be done with a light weight that allows you to maintain unbroken sets through the round of 12. You may use a barbell, dumbbell, or kettlebell.