At Home Conditioning
With a partner, alternating full rounds, complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00:
- 6 Overhead Squats
- 12 V-Ups
- 6 Overhead Squats
- 12 Push Ups
Rest 2:00
With a partner, alternating full rounds, complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00:
- 6 Hang Power Cleans
- 12 Lateral Hops over object
- 6 Hang Power Cleans
- 12 Shoulder to Overhead
Today’s workout is to be done with a virtual partner, or one standing at least 6 feet from you. If you do not have a partner, simply rest the amount of time it took you to complete a round throughout the workout.
The overhead squats should be at a light weight and completed unbroken throughout. You may substitute an overhead lunge if you do not have the prerequisite mobility to safely perform an overhead squat. Check out this video on how to perform an overhead squat with a dumbbell or kettlebell.
The v-ups may be adjusted to tuck ups in order to perform all 12 unbroken across multiple rounds.
The push ups should also be completed unbroken. Elevate your hands on a bench, couch, chair, etc.
The hang power cleans should be light and unbroken. Check out this video for some different clean variations.
The lateral hops will be performed over whatever object you are using for your hang power cleans. If you do not feel safe jumping over that object, find something smaller but we encourage you to jump rather than step.
The shoulder to overhead should also be performed unbroken. Adjust the weight accordingly. Check out this video for some different shoulder to overhead variations.