At Home Strength
5 Rounds:
- :20 V-Ups
- :10 Rest
- :20 Arch Up
- :10 Rest
- :20 Odd Object Chest Hold
- :10 Rest
Today’s midline work alternates between 3 movements. The goal is to keep working the whole time.
For the v-ups, if you cannot work for the full :20, perform tuck ups.
For the arch ups, keep your legs and arms straight and pause for :01 at the top each rep.
You have plenty of options for the chest hold. Use a sandbag, sea-bag, kettlebell, dumbbell, or any other odd object you can find. Check out this video for some variations.
At Home Conditioning
3 Rounds:
- 1:00 Farmer’s Carry
- 2:00 Run
- 1:00 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings
- 2:00 Run
Today’s workout is a time priority. There is no rest between stations. You will be moving for the whole workout.
The farmer’s carry can be done with any object: kettlebells, dumbbells, barbell, water jugs, etc. The objects do not have to be the same weight. If you are holding uneven objects, switch hands at :30.
The run should be at a sustainable pace. A good way to approach this is to run 1:00 out and 1:00 back. Try and reach the same distance all three rounds.
The swings can be done with a kettlebell or dumbbell. Choose a weight that you can hang on to for a majority of the minute.
At Home Endurance
Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike / Run
5:00 Easy Warm Up
4 sets:
90sec fast pace
1min rest
45sec fast pace
1min rest
60sec fast pace
1min rest
15sec sprint
Rest between sets: 3 min
5:00 Cool down
Today’s endurance workout is four intervals. Try to keep all the fast intervals the same pace. Then push very hard on the sprint portion.
Pacing Guidelines:
Bike Erg | Row | Assault Bike | Run |
Fast: 95-100 RPM | Fast: 2k pace | Fast: 75-85 RPM | Fast: mile pace |