At Home Strength

4 Rounds not for time

  • 6 Single Leg Deadlifts per side
  • 4 Box Jumps for height


Today’s strength is deadlifts and box jumps.

For the single leg deadlifts, you may use one or two kettlebells/dumbbells, or a barbell. Make sure the working leg looks just as would on a normal deadlift: slight bend in the knee and send the hips back. If balance is an issue, hold onto something while you perform the movement.

For the box jumps, add height as high as you safely can. If you do not have a box, jump on a park table or bench, tree stump, the bed of your truck, or any other stable object. Just work being explosive.

At Home Conditioning

6 Rounds for time

  • 20/15 Calories or 200m Run
  • 25 Wall Balls or 25 Jump Squats or 25 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 50 Double Unders

20:00 Time Cap


Today’s workout is a task priority with a 20 minute time cap. The time cap is intentionally tight. Feel free to adjust the number of rounds, reps, or simply complete it as a 20 minute amrap.

If you have a machine, you can perform 20/15 calories on it. If you do not have access to a machine, go for a 200m run. Don’t spend more than 1:30 per round here. Adjust the number of calories or run distance accordingly.

The wall balls should be done in no more than 2 sets. If you do not have a wall ball, you can perform jump squats or dumbbell thrusters with light dumbbells. Don’t let this station take longer than 1:15.

The double unders should be performed unbroken. Adjust the number of reps or perform single unders. If you do not have a jump rope, you can perform the same number of pogo jumps.

At Home Endurance

Bike Erg / Rower / Assault Bike / Run

  • 8:00 Moderate

Rest 2:00

  • 2:00 Hard

Rest 2:00

  • 6:00 Moderate

Rest 2:00

  • 2:00 Hard

Rest 2:00

  • 4:00 Moderate

Rest 2:00

  • 2:00 Hard


Today’s endurance workout is alternating moderate and hard efforts. There is 2:00 rest between all reps. This workout can be done on any machine or as a run. Follow the pacing guidelines below for each machine.

If you are on a bike erg the moderate pace should be between 70-80 RPM. The hard effort should be between 80-90 RPM. Adjust the damper accordingly. It should be on the same setting for the whole workout.

If you are on a rower, the moderate pace should be 2k+:15-20. The hard effort should be 2k+:05-10.

If you are on the assault bike, the moderate pace should be 55-65 RPM and the hard effort should be 65-75RPM.

If you are running, the moderate pace should be around your 5k pace and the hard pace should be slightly slower than your mile pace.

You can always just work by a rate of perceived exertion for all of these. The moderate pace should be around a 6-7/10 and the hard effort should be around a 8-9/10.