
3 Rounds:

  • 2:00 row @ 2k+:05-10
  • :15 rest
  • 2:00 bike
  • :15 rest
  • 2:00 shuttle run
  • :15 rest

Conditioning Notes

Today’s conditioning involves multiple time priority intervals. For the row you will focus on sticking to the same pace for all 3 rounds. The pace “2k+:05-10” means that if you have got 8:00 on your 2000m time trial, your pace for that was 2:00/500m and today you will row between a 2:05 and 2:10. Do not deviate from this pace. The bike will be performed at a rate of perceived exertion of 7/10. This means your pace should feel sustainable. For the shuttle run, you will also run at a pace that feels sustainable.

Body Weight Conditioning 

Complete as many rounds as possible 6:00:

  • 6 Strict Pull Ups
  • 6 Push Ups
  • 10 Abmat Sit Ups

Conditioning Notes

Today’s bodyweight conditioning is a time priority workout. The pull ups should be done unbroken, though they will get challenging towards the end of the 6:00. The push ups should also be done unbroken. The sit ups are meant to be a period of time where your arms and shoulders can recover to allow you to move right back to the pull up bar after each round.