*Programming Note*
This upcoming month is all open specific. You’ll see a lot of specific couplets and triplets in time domains that will probably pop up in the open. The movements are specific and the workouts will be tough! We’re utilizing Wendler’s 5-3-1 program for some of the strength (front squats, deadlifts, and overhead). This is meant to provide the opportunity to push hard when the body feels good and to back off when it doesn’t. There will most likely be sways in your desire to train given the volume of hard workouts. If you have questions feel free to ask one of your coaches.
Performance: Touch and Go Power Clean
- 4 x 5 @ >75% of 1 rep max power clean
Fitness: Hang Power Clean
- 4 x 4-6
3 Sets:
In 4:00, climb the ladder adding 3 reps each round:
- Handstand Push Ups
- Power Cleans @ 75% of 1 rep max power clean
2:00 Active rest between sets.
- Hand Release Push Ups
- Hang Power Cleans
Optional Independent Work
3 Sets:
- 4 Overhead Squats
- 5 Bar Muscle Ups
- 8 Dumbbell Strict Press