Tuesday 2024.11.05


Every 3 mins x 4 sets.
3 Position Power Clean (1, 2, 3) + front squat

Build to RPE 8-9 across rounds

Every 2:00 x 3 sets
3 clean pulls @ 90-100% of 1rm clean


30 Hang Power Snatch
20 burpees
20- Hang Power Snatch
10 burpee over the bar
10 Power Snatch snatch
5 burpee to 6″” target

8 minute cap


The 30 Hang power snatches should be broken in smart sets, around 2-4. This should be a weight that takes you around 60-90 seconds. the 20 burpees should be at a smooth pace and should also be done around 90 seconds – 2 mins.

Build weight in the power snatch. The middle set should be in 2-3 sets, and the burpee over the barshould be quick.

The final bar should be something that you can either hit in sets, or relatively quick singles, but can build in weight.

Monday 2024.11.04


In 6:00, perform:

1.1 Seated Box Jump
20 Pogo Jumps

x 4 sets


8 min EMOM
Depth Drop + Box jump
2 reps of 1+1


5 rounds for time:

200m row
10 thrusters
6 chest to bar pull ups

Cap: 11:00


Today we will be doing a variation of the benchmark workout Jackie, where we will be breaking the work into 5 rounds. The row should take no more than a minute, so cap at a minute if needed.

The thrusters should be an unbroken weight for all 10 reps across the 5 rounds. For Chest to bars, these should also be something you can do in either 1-2 quick sets. Chin over the bar pull ups, foot assisted chest to bar, or foot elevated ring rows are also an option!

Saturday 2024.11.02


Teams of 3

** 200m team run after each round

21 Synchro Barbell Thrusters
One Athlete performs each
8 PU – 7 C2B – 6 BMU

15 Synchro Power Snatch
One Athlete performs each
6 PU – 5 C2B – 4 BMU

9 Synchro Power Clean
One Athlete performs each
4 PU – 3 C2B – 2 BMU

6 Deadlift
One Athlete performs each
3 PU – 2 C2B – 1 BMU

Cap: 20 min


Begin by performing 21 synchro thrusters. This should be a weight that you can either do all unbroken or most likely two sets. From there, send one athlete to perform 8 pull-ups, another to perform 7 chest-to-bar push-ups, and another to perform 6 bar muscle-ups.

A scale for the pulling can be: 15 Jumping Pullups, 12 Ring Rows, 9 Banded Strict Chest to bar or pullups.

This would follow, 12,9,6 and then 9,6,3 and 6,4,2.

You will then perform a 200m team run.

The barbell will progressively increase with weight, with the deadlift being the heaviest. The power snatches and power cleans should be a weight that is strategically broken into smaller sets, or even singles if needed.

The deadlift will be heavy, but fight for 1-2 sets.