Friday 2024.10.25


Every 4:00 x 5 rounds

15-20 Calorie Machine
24 wall balls
12 Russian Kettlebell Swings

Goal is even round times`


Score is the average amount of time across all 5 rounds. Goal is “even” or “negative” round splits. Meaning, all times are the same, or you get faster as you go.

The Machine should take anywhere from 1:00 to 1:30

Wall balls can be broken up if needed, but should be done in around 1:00-1:30

Aim to hold onto the KB unbroken for all reps here. The reps are Russian/eye level, so you can aim to pick a slightly heavier weight than compared to American/overhead swings.

Thursday 2024.10.24


Every 3:00 for 5 sets:

A. Push Press – 3 reps w/ :01 pause overhead
RPE 7-8 (a little heavier than last week)

In between sets hit:

B. Split jerk balance x 3 w/ :02 pauses in the split
reset fully after each rep.



AMRAP 5:00
2, 4, 6… bar facing burpees
3-5 strict chest to bar pull ups or ring row

–rest 2 minutes–

AMRAP 5:00
2, 4, 6… burpee to target
3-5 dips


Score will be the Sum of each AMRAP

Both Burpees variations today should be a nice and smooth pace. The bar facing burpees can be lateral if space is limited, but written as bar facing. The chest to bar/ ring rows should be fixed at a number that is sustainable for the whole AMRAP. Similarly with the dips.

For the Dips, you can go for a band assisted dip, toe assist, stationary dip, or push up variation depending on what will allow you to move steadily.

Choose movements that you can keep unbroken through the entire AMRAP. Make it about burpee capacity!

Burpee target should be about 6″ above reach overhead

Wednesday 2024.10.30



5 sets:

600-750m row
100 foot farmer’s carry
10 Box Jump Overs

–rest 2:00–


The goal today is to get faster in each round. This can be achieved by pacing the row from the get-go and increasing speed, increasing speed on the farmer’s carry, and staying steady on box jumpovers.

The Score in SugarWod will be the average time across all rounds, so make sure to score all rounds.

The row should take around 3 minutes with no longer than 3:30.

Farmer’s carry weight should be unbroken for all 100 feet.

Box Jumpovers should be a challenging box height if possible.

Monday 2024.10.21


Power Clean + Full Clean
–reset on ground between reps–

A) Take 12 minutes to build across 6 sets to RPE 8

Every :90 x 3 sets
3 clean pulls @ 10-20lbs heavier than top clean complex weight
same weight across all 3 sets


“Can I Kick It?”

EMOM 12:00

min 1: 35-50 double unders
min 2: 8 alternating arm DB hang clean & jerks (heavy)
min 3: 3 wall walks or :30 HSW practice


Today is meant to be less intensity and promotes the Opportunity to work on skills/heavier weight. The double unders should take anywhere from 30-50 seconds. So you can spend some time practicing the double under.

The clean and jerk is a low rep count, so don’t be afraid to go a touch lighter than normal. Still fight for unbroken sets, or maybe 4 and 4.

The Final minute can be either 3 wall walks or 30 seconds of handstand walk practice. The practice can be walking, shoulder taps on a wall, or weight shifts.

Saturday 2024.10.19


Teams of 3:

AMRAP 25 Minutes

1st Round:
3 Rope Climbs – OPWAAT
10 Synchro Dumbbell Snatches
20 Cal Row or Bike- OPWAAT

1 minute rest after each round

Continue increasing reps by 1 rope climb, 10 snatches, and 20 machine cals


Today’s workout is a an ascending round of rope climbs and synchro snatches and biking. The score will be the amount of rounds and reps.

The workout starts with 3 rope climbs, split however you want between you and your teams. You will then move to hitting synchronized dumbbell snatches with you and your team. You will then move to a machine to accumulate an amount of calories with one partner working at a time.

As a team you can sub body pulls if needed

Body pulls: rope climb = 2:1